Previously known as Glow Church, Saints Church Melbourne is a part of the Australian Christian Churches (ACC). Since its launch in February 2020, Saints has been dedicated to creating a warm and welcoming environment where people from all walks of life can come together to grow in Continue Reading
Heritable Human Genome Editing is a critical scientific step that should be banned. Although South Africa is taking the lead in making it permissible. What does the Bible say about our ethics and touch with nature? In this article, I want to talk about the new development of Heritable human genome editing (HHGE) and how Continue Reading
Hope isn’t wishful thinking. It’s a state of being and a skill that has profound evidence of helping people achieve success in life. Wishful thinking, on the other hand, is like having dreams in the sky without a ladder to climb, having a destination without a map, or trying to operate a jet-engine airplane without Continue Reading
Did you know that there is zero proof to suggest that, generally speaking, people who have kids are happier than those who don’t? In fact, there is evidence to suggest to the contrary Psychology Professor at the University of California, Sonya Lyubomirskiy, cited research in her book ‘The How Of Happiness’ (al) that clearly demonstrated Continue Reading
This world is full of pain and trouble. It’s like a piece of cake that everyone is having a share of. To know how to deal with the unfairness in life, we must seek God’s help. The Lord put this write-up about how life is so unfair to us on my heart… to explore how Continue Reading
Do you remember when the law of attraction hit the public psyche on the back of the movie, The Secret? Sorry to offend if you think otherwise, but The Secret was a travesty of a book/movie/compact disc/cuddly toy/whatever. All it did was sell a big fat lie that appealed to a lot of people – Continue Reading
A client asked me a question the other day. It’s one which I’ve been asked scores of times over the years, albeit it usually by people interviewing me. ‘What is the difference between values and goals?’ I usually go into a rather long-winded answer about values being internal and what defines us as human beings. Continue Reading
Note: If you see other posts appear after this one, it’s just me bringing older material to the front to keep the site fresh in Google. It isn’t there anymore because it was utter garbage and I took it down, but my first ever post went live on Tuesday 12th September 2006. Since then, and Continue Reading
If you are a new coach who needs paying clients then I can help you. How do I know I can help you? Because apart from helping over 350 coaches over the last decade, I’ve also done for myself exactly what you want to do. Twice. In 2005 I took my first coaching practice, A Continue Reading
The following is a guest post from Lachlan Brown from Hackspirit. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your purpose in life, coming up empty over and over? I did too. That’s until I started learning more about what finding a life purpose actually meant. Part of my problem was that I thought Continue Reading