

“Ada apa kamu kesini?” Suara dingin dengan tatapan tajam bak menyimpan dendam yang tak tersalurkan tiap kali mata itu menatap gadis cantik yang berdiri tertunduk di hadapannya. “Aku sudah bilang. Jangan cari aku, kalau aku butuh kamu. Aku akan datang ke apartement. Gak punya telinga kamu, hah?!” Kalimat tambahan yang semakin menghujam relung sanubari wanita Continue Reading

7 Strategic Shifts to Help You Scale Your Business Smarter, Not Harder

Do you believe your business is capable of doing better but aren’t sure where to start? Every entrepreneur wants to scale up, but without a well-crafted methodology, scaling can feel like running in circles. A solid business strategy is more than a paper plan—it’s your roadmap to achieving goals while allowing for agility in the Continue Reading

Holistic Entrepreneurship: The Overlooked Formula for Long-Term Growth

Even if you are facing business hurdles, you can still adopt a few strategies that can propel the success of your business. Maybe, your business is facing issues because you have made some mistakes in the execution of your plan. Also, it could be because you still rely on some old ways of running your Continue Reading