Note: If you see other posts appear after this one, it’s just me bringing older material to the front to keep the site fresh in Google. It isn’t there anymore because it was utter garbage and I took it down, but my first ever post went live on Tuesday 12th September 2006. Since then, and Continue Reading
If you are a new coach who needs paying clients then I can help you. How do I know I can help you? Because apart from helping over 350 coaches over the last decade, I’ve also done for myself exactly what you want to do. Twice. In 2005 I took my first coaching practice, A Continue Reading
The following is a guest post from Lachlan Brown from Hackspirit. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your purpose in life, coming up empty over and over? I did too. That’s until I started learning more about what finding a life purpose actually meant. Part of my problem was that I thought Continue Reading
Accountability means taking responsibility and ownership of our actions and choices, whether they lead to achievements or failures. It’s an essential part of our growth, both personally and professionally—yet it’s also something many of us struggle with. It’s often difficult to admit when we’re wrong or have made a mistake because these confessions require vulnerability Continue Reading
Three, two, one, Happy New Year! (Queue the fireworks and blares from party horns). This end-of-year holiday is always met with a flurry of glitz and glitter. But somewhere between the toasts, parties and endless celebrations, many people will also find themselves carving out time for reflection and planning for days to come. Enter inspirational Continue Reading