Dealing With An Unfair Life

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This world is full of pain and trouble. It’s like a piece of cake that everyone is having a share of. To know how to deal with the unfairness in life, we must seek God’s help.

The Lord put this write-up about how life is so unfair to us on my heart… to explore how people are failing to show love and care to their neighbors, the injustice and inequalities among Christians, and the world at large. And I can’t overlook it. These are grievous pressing issues affecting our world today, and it’s getting worse each day.

Thank you for your attention. I’m hopeful this message will touch your heart and prompt you to do your part in making this world a better place by fulfilling your divine purpose as a human.

It’s very common to see people utterly disgusted about how life is unfair to them. The complaints seem to hit on deaf ears —because no one is showing up to straighten the crooked road.

Again, It’s very sad to see our world grow in wickedness and wallop in all sorts of sin. 2 Timothy 3:1-4 foretold the coming of evil deeds like what the world is witnessing now.

The Love Of Sin And Wickedness In Question

Look, the rich and many in authority today could spend billions of dollars to promote sinful activities, war, etc, to destroy life and properties.

Even within the so-called developed countries and cities, homeless people could be found living their lives on the streets crying out for help. It seems like nobody cares. For instance, California and New York alone together account for 44% of all Americans experiencing homelessness (data from

But how come authorities keep on investing huge amounts of money in the production of war machines while there are still people in some parts of the world dying of lack of basic needs like shelter, food, and water?

Now, I challenge you to think about this: The U.S. Navy’s Trident II (D5), for instance, is a submarine-launched ballistic missile, each missile costing approximately $61.9 million. Imagine how this alone could help better the welfare of groups of needy individuals in parts of the world.

This is the reality that questions the rationale behind humanity. Why are the rich and world authorities not allocating all the needed resources to improve human welfare by addressing the most pressing needs of humans?

I tell you the truth, they can, but many ain’t willing to put in all the effort and resources. It’s likely to be at the bottom of their priority list or might not be there at all.

It’s An Unfair World, Who Cares?

Now let’s take a look at what the Bible says. And be reminded that the only hope for everyone, especially those dealing with insecurities, depression, oppression, brokenness, etc.; Jesus Christ is the answer.

“I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world, you have trouble and suffering, but take courage – I have conquered the world.” —John 16:33

Again, 1 John 3:16 reiterates this important message or command. We, therefore, have to be mindful of making it part of our daily lives. To sacrifice for a neighbor’s welfare or happiness attracts a lot of divine blessings from the Lord.

Jesus said —in the world, you will go through suffering, but he gives peace that the world cannot give.

Let’s pray for the world to know Jesus because he is the ultimate answer to our pain and suffering. He is the epitome of love worth emulating.

In Gaza, following the devasting war, the situation of human welfare is heartbreaking. The displaced, especially women and kids struggle to get basic food to survive.

According to UNICEF (House of Lords Library), The risk of malnutrition, starvation, and the spread of infectious diseases among the 1.9 million displaced people is alarmingly high. Are we making this world a better place or the other way around?

Can humans today relate to Jesus’s message in Luke 6:28? It says, “Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” It would be much more helpful if we could love our enemies like Jesus.

Sadly, the hearts of humans are hardened like stones, so we can’t display love, mercy, and kindness like our Lord Jesus.


Remember this; no Jesus, no peace, know Jesus know peace, no Jesus, no salvation.

In a broader perspective, the world should recognize these destructive signs against humanity as the end times. (Matthew 24).

Therefore everyone must be ready for the second coming of Jesus. With fierce anger, He is coming to judge the world. Whether you agree or not —it’s going to happen as the Holy Scriptures have foretold. Interestingly, He still wants the world to repent of its sins and come to him before it’s too late.

Well, It seems no one cares about the plight of his neighbor. With the problem of greed, selfishness, and hatred, curtailing or eliminating injustice, hunger, poverty, and such likes would be unreachable.

These monies pumped into wars that kill and destroy life and properties could solve the problem of millions of humans dying of hunger, injustice, diseases, sicknesses, etc. But that doesn’t auger well in the ears of the devil who rules this sinful world.

Isn’t this some of the ways of the devil? To destroy, tear down, and kill instead of building up, loving, and caring. This makes life unfair to a lot of us. The ultimate hope still remains in Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Prince of Peace.

The Christian’s Role In Dealing With The Unfairness In The World

Remember the words of Christ Jesus; “you are the light of the world…” it’s unfortunate that many humans, including some professed Christians, have hardened their hearts against giving, which the Lord commanded believers to do.

Even some so-called Christians don’t have that empathy so they never pray for orphans and widows and don’t show love and kindness to the needy.

In Ecclesiastics 11:1, the word of God gives an allusion to the sowing of rice, especially on muddy ground.

“Send your grain overseas, for after many days you will get a return”

In one of my articles, I talked extensively about some of the crucial things this world needs. And “giving” is one of them. Now, it’s heart-touching to see humanitarian aid sent to the people in Gaza.

You don’t have to be rich, famous, or influential before you can extend a helping hand. Even within your little ends meet, you can help someone through random kindness by putting a smile on the face of a dying soul.

Poor child on the street

Imagine someone asking for help or for basic needs like food or water and a fellow Christian refusing to help while in the real sense could provide the needed help over and over again.

“Do not say to your neighbor, “Go! Return tomorrow and I will give it,” when you have it with you at the time.” —Proverbs 3:28

Where is the love Jesus talked about? Today if several Christians can’t show this little love, how much more can they show the greatest love?:

“No one has greater love than this – that one lays down his life for his friends.” —John 15:13

Christians are called to be loving, compassionate, and forgiving like our Lord Jesus and also show empathy to others.

Jesus told the rich man;

“…Go, sell whatever you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Matthew 10:21)

If the people of this world are using their wealth, power, fame, influence and authority to destroy, kill, and create all kinds of fear among humanity, then it is time for Christian believers to rise and be radical in showing kindness and love for each other without prejudice. It is time Christians pray for the world to know Jesus and bear good fruit as well.

This is what the Lord requires so that someday in His kingdom, he can declare you and me “faithful servants”.

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