Utahime came to Tokyo and she is staying at shokos until the next day because her place was a bit far away and shoko insisted utahe to stay at her place .
Hello utahe ! Shoko waved at her .
Oh my sho ! She went to her and hugged her .
How are you? Utahime asked .
Doing well how about you ? Okey I guess she said in a sad tone .
Girl what’s up ? What happend ? Is it with your damn fiance? Utahime asked .
No its not geto – its just ……. I am moving out and living alone now it feels weird , shoko told her as she got chills .
Wait wait ! You and geto not togather anymore ? But it’s your wedding like in 2 months , utahime looked at her confused.
Yea but we decided that’s they best for us . He loves someone else you know …
Utahime nodded and told shoko that , “you can stay with me” . I am free all time ..
Oh and gojo is here to pick us up . I came with him .
“That moron ?” utahime thought .
Hey shoko – gojo called her .
Utahime noticed that he was really tall and was wearing a white shirt and black pants . And black glasses .
Yo utahime how are you ? – he asked utahime.
” Fine ”
Utahime bowed down and gojo did the same .
Then gojo dropped her off at shokos . And shoko told him to come tommorow again as she needs him to help utahime.
Sure thing . I will here at 8 am , gojo replied .
Okey see you later . Byee , shoko then went up to her room .
Utahime looked around and saw shokos stuffs were packed .
Damn are you planing to move out this week or some ? She asked .
Yea actually , shoko replied as she was finding clothes to change in .
Shoo don’t you think you and geto should actually talk about this …. Utahime adviced her .
Look it was a family stuff he never really saw me more than his close friend.. and he had a girlfriend whom he loves … she replied back to utahime .
Look whatever you do I will support you .. and if anything is wrong tell me , utahime told her ..
Ok I will you know your my bestfriend and I will ofcouse tell you everything .
Haha yea – she replied.
[ Back to gojo ]
Damn utahime is soo pretty . Wonder if she is still single.. gojo thought .
Hey gojo ! Geto came behind him and smacked gojo in the head .
Ouch – what’s up with ya man ? Gojo asked while sounding annoyed.
My girlfriend wanna meet ya so I brought her with me today , he replied .
” Look shoko and I discussed about this and we both agreed we are nothing more than friends . “
Whatever let’s go our friends are waiting … gojo told him as he walked away .
Coming ….
[ The next morning ]
* Door bell rings *
Shoko opens the door and saw gojo.
What’s up ? He said with a grin .
Nothing oh and utahime is ready you drop ger off then cone back here , shoko explained.
Okk? Gojo looks at her confused.
Then him and utahime left ..